Class 11th Chapter 3 Journal Entries Solution with Explanation and Calculation

Journal Entries Solution with Explanation and Calculation of Standard 11th Maharashtra State Board. All Textbook Practical Problems are Solved. Students can ask their doubts in the comment box. Below are the Practical Problems click on the problem to get solution with explanation and calculation.





Q.9. Calculate the following. 


1) Purchased Motor Car from Tata & Co. worth Rs.2,00,000 at 18% GST. Find out GST amount. 

= 2,00,000 *18/100 =36,000 

・The GST amount is Rs.36,000. 


2) Paid Transport charges Rs.10,000 @5% GST. Calculate CGST & SGST. 

・CGST @2.5% =10,000 *2.5/100 = 250 

・SGST @2.5% = 10,000 *2.5/100 = 250 


3) Bought Goods from Ranjan Rs.10,000 @5% GST and 10% cash Discount. Calculate cash discount. 

Cash discount =10,000 *10/100 = 1,000 

GST @5%= 1,000 *5/100 = 50 

Add both the Amount 1,000 + 50 = 1,050 


4)Received cheque of Rs.90,000 from Kiran in full settlement of his account Rs.1,00,000/-. Calculate discount rate. 

List amount =1,00,000 and received amount =90,000 

"Discount amount = list amt - received amt" 

  = 1,00,000 - 90,000 

  = 10,000 


"Rate of Discount = Discount/List amt *100" 

 =10,000/1,00,000 *100 



5)Sold goods of Rs.1,00,000 at 10%. Trade Discount and 10% Cash discount to Ram and received 50% amount by cheque. Calculate the amount of cheque received. 

T.D @10% = 1,00,000 *10/100 = 10,000 

C.D @10% = 90,000 *10/100 = 9,000 

50% by Cheque = 81,000 *50/100 = 40,500 


Q.10 Complete the following table. 

2024 Solutions For Class 11th Chapter 3 Journal Entries | Detailed Answers
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  1. It is too help full ..... Thank you 😊😊😊😊❣️

  2. Really very very helpful.
    Thank you so much.


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