Exercise 4: Prepare Analytical Petty Cash Book from the following transactions in the books of Swarali General Stores, kolhapur. The imprest amount is Rs.1,500 received from main cashier.

Prepare Analytical Petty Cash Book from the following transactions in the books of Swarali General Stores, kolhapur. The imprest amount is Rs.1,500 received from main cashier.

2018 Jan. 

01. Paid cartage Rs.50 

02. Telephone charges Rs.40 

02. Bus Fare Rs.20 

03. Postage Rs.30 

04. Refreshment to employees Rs.80 

06. Courier charges Rs.30 

08. Refreshment to customers Rs.50 

10. Cartage Rs.35 

15. Taxi Fare to manager Rs.70 

18. Purchased Stationery Rs.65 

20. Bus Fare Rs.10 

22. Xerox charges Rs.30 

25. Internet charges Rs.35 

27. Postage stamps Rs.200 

29. Repairs on Furniture Rs.105 

30. Cleaning expenses Rs.115 

31. Miscellaneous expenses Rs.100  


In the Books of Swaralli General Stores.

Amt Date Particulars  Total Amt Cartage Telephone Charges Travelling expenses Carriage Printing & Stationery Misc. Exp. L.F Ledger 
Received No Paid 
 2018April 1            
200 To balance b/d 
1,200 To Cash A/c           
 By Tips to peon   40      40   
 By Purchased Stationery  150     150    
 By Taxi Fare   35   35      
 By Purchase stamp pad  140     140    
 Paid Cartage  40 40        
 Paid Bus Fare  30   30      
 11 By sweeper  50      50   
 13 By Purchase a Box of pencils  40     40    
 14 By Mobile chares  35  35       
 15 By Sohan A/c  250        250 
 19 By Refreshment to Staff  150      150   
 20 By Railway fare  30   30      
 21 By Carriage  65    65     
              Total Exp  1055345 40 35 95 65 330 240  250 
31 By Balance c/d 
1,400    1400         
345 May To Balance b/d           
1055 To Cash A/c           

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